Person sitting on a wooden deck in front of a large, black, woven hanging chair with beige cushions, outdoors in a grassy area.


People, Recruitment, Coaching Debbie Ford People, Recruitment, Coaching Debbie Ford

Performance Chats that are Powerful Not Painful

Here's a radical thought for recruitment & small business owners - what if performance conversations actually energised your team?

Somewhere along the way, the very mention of "performance" became associated with blame, fear and that dreaded march to HR. It's no wonder we all tense up at the phrase "we need to talk about your performance."

What if we changed this narrative in our businesses?

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

Why do small business owners resist structure?

What happens when your team don’t really know what is expected of them?

  • They don’t know how to perform at the levels you want?

  • Someone leaves and nicks your data?

  • Or goes off sick for three months and you can’t get hold of them?

There is always a better way …

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

Does people management stress you out?

My client, an experienced entrepreneur leading a team of 15, was struggling with the people management side of her business. In her own words, she found it:

- Stressful
- Overwhelming
- Like constantly watching over her shoulder for something to go wrong

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

Ready to go beyond tick box HR?

Yes, I'll make sure your contracts are watertight and your policies are up to date. But my real value? It's in helping you build a business where both you and your team can thrive.

Ready to go beyond surface-level HR and tackle the real issues in your business? Let's talk. Your peace of mind is waiting on the other side.

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

Why do you keep doing it to yourself?

You know exactly what I'm talking about - that employee who consistently underperforms, the one you've been meaning to address for weeks, months, maybe even years. Yet, here you are, once again picking up their slack, feeling the weight of unresolved issues on your shoulders.

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

what is fear-based leadership?

Fear-based leadership is never a good strategy. It creates a toxic environment where:

- Innovation is stifled
- Open communication breaks down
- Employee well-being suffers
- Turnover increases
- Productivity declines

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

A bit more about emily

About Emily … Throughout my career, I've learned that true business transformation comes from addressing both the strategic and human elements of an organisation. That's why I focus on developing comprehensive solutions that align your people strategy with your business objectives, while ensuring you're protected legally and ethically.

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford


One of the things I see all the time that totally hinders performance in recruitment businesses is a lack of clarity around expectations.

This is often coming from a really good place. Business owners not wanting to recreate the restrictive KPI, fear driven cultures of recruitment past. Not wanting to bog down the business in rules, policies and complex contracts. I totally get it.

However, an all or nothing approach is really damaging your business and your culture.

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

World menopause day 2024

So on this World Menopause Day I encourage organisations to really educate themselves - there are so many ways to support the people experiencing the effects of menopause in your businesses, and it will make such a huge difference to your people.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Are you trapped by a painful business experience?

I've seen it countless times. Clients reach out when they're paralysed, unable to move forward. The culprit? A business setback that's shattered their confidence and planted seeds of doubt.

These experiences can be crippling, making you second-guess every decision.

But here's the truth - they don't have to define you.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Is it really worth it?

Ever had one of those days where you're staring at your computer screen, thinking, "Is this really worth it?"

I recently worked with a recruitment business owner, who was having way too many of those days. She was at her wit's end - stressed, overwhelmed, and seriously contemplating throwing in the towel on her business dreams.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Stop Hoping, Start Coaching

Are you leaving your teams performance to chance? Are you just hoping for results?

This was a conversation I had with a client yesterday.

My client, a successful business owner was becoming increasingly frustrated with his team. From his perspective they were spending too much time on their phones, not enough time speaking to clients and certainly not hitting sales targets.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Do you fear the “a” word?

Remember, accountability isn't about pointing fingers. It's about creating an environment where everyone takes ownership of their work and its outcomes.

As a leader, embracing accountability might feel uncomfortable at first, but it's a game-changer for your business and your team's growth.

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Let’s work together
