I work with a lot of recruitment business owners - both as a coach and people consultant.
One of the things I see all the time that totally hinders performance in recruitment businesses is a lack of clarity around expectations.
This is often coming from a really good place. Business owners not wanting to recreate the restrictive KPI, fear driven cultures of recruitment past. Not wanting to bog down the business in rules, policies and complex contracts. I totally get it.
However, an all or nothing approach is really damaging your business and your culture.
In my experience, the best performing agencies both in terms of revenue and culture have the following basics in place:
- Clear contracts of employment, essential policies and business owners that are aware of the risks surrounding people.
- Clear processes - people know what to do when they are sick, need time off or need to talk.
- Clarity over expectations - people know what is expected of them. They know what they need to do to meet their targets.
- Help is on offer. People don't suffer in silence, or worry that saying they are struggling is a sign of weakness. They ask for what they need.
- Development is encouraged. People aren't expected to be perfect, and they are supported to be the best versions of themselves.
No sellotaping people's hands to the phone required.
Creating a high performing recruitment business, with a brilliant culture whilst being legally compliant is possible. It just needs a bit of thought, and maybe a bit of support.
Talk to me about how I can help.
Our mission is simple: to empower SME & Recruitment business owners and leaders to achieve intentional, sustainable growth by putting people at the heart of their strategy.
We believe that when you align your business and personal goals with values, personal development and accountability extraordinary things happen.
Fancy a chat about how we could work together? Drop me a line. No pressure, no hard sell - I promise.