What Don’t People Realise About You That They Should?

I was inspired by Emily Penny's recent post on LinkedIn sharing little known facts about herself (yes we have almost the same name AND we live in the same city!).

Emily made such a good point … “...there’s lots of important stuff that – as a business or as a person – you’re assuming people know. Because it’s core. How could they not? Well they don't...”

I pride myself at being able to get to the core of people’s problems quickly, and get to know them super fast - but It made me realise there's probably a lot you don't know about me.

So here are some key things I thought I'd share:

I’ve had my own business now for 11 years now - and it’s been quite the rollercoaster.  I achieved fast success, grew a team and felt like I had achieved a lot of material goals, however this left me burned out and broken.  I wasn’t living true to my values, and in all honesty back then I had no idea what they were.

I’ve become really good at starting again, and challenging what life ‘should’ look like.  I quit my first business, ended a 9 year relationship when I was 39 and really despise the rhetoric around never quitting. Quitting is brave and it will teach you far more about resilience and finding your joy in life than keeping going chasing something that is not meant for you.

I run a networking group with my bestie Debbie Ford despite finding networking terrifying and large groups of people quite overwhelming.  However, I love community and people so the group brings me great joy.

I play various musical instruments to a pretty decent standard and started playing violin again at the age of 40. I have set myself the challenge of playing the full Four Seasons...a goal that nurtures my soul as well as gives me a huge sense of achievement.  I have done almost one movement so far.

I was driven by imposter syndrome for many many years.  As a result I didn’t put myself out there as a coach for a long time after I’d done my initial qualification.  I didn’t feel good enough - and as a result I've done a lot of study and qualifications.  I know now this doesn’t validate me - but at the time I needed proof I was capable. The positive for my clients is that I bring a huge tool kit of resources that can really help and I know now I get great results for them.

I’m not here to build an empire and burn out again.  My focus is my work and doing great work with my clients on a one to one basis.

Nature is everything and dogs are life.

All of this boils down to a real passion and interest in people, and helping them truly overcome what is holding them back with empathy, gentleness and meeting them where they are at right now.

So what don’t people know about you that they really should?


I work closely with only a few clients at a time because transformation requires commitment, attention and care.

If you feel pulled to work with me, it's not a coincidence. Listen to that inner voice and take the first step.

Availability is limited so contact me today to discuss if 1:1 coaching might be a fit.


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