Is your business consuming your identity?
"Being self-employed does require an ability to work without barriers or parameters. As a result, the quality of your personal life is directly linked to the success of your business."
These powerful words from Serena Fordham, founder of ProspHER, hit at the heart of the mental health challenges entrepreneurs face. When your identity and self-worth are so intrinsically tied to your company's performance, the pressure can feel all-consuming.
This used to be huge for me. Massive in fact. My worth was so tied up in the success of my business that the pressure to 'succeed' at all costs was overwhelming and 100% contributed to the anxiety I experienced.
According to a recent study, over 80% of founders experience poor mental health at some stage in their entrepreneurial journey. That's a staggering statistic, but perhaps not surprising given the demands of running a business. The long hours, financial stresses, and weight of responsibility can take a serious toll.
Yet despite the prevalence of mental health struggles, half of founders wouldn't feel comfortable disclosing it as a reason for absence. There's still a stigma attached to admitting you're not coping, a fear that it will be seen as a weakness or failure.
But here's the truth: your mental health is just as important as your business's health. You are not your company, and your self-worth is not determined by your profits or losses.
So how can you start to untangle your identity from your business and prioritise your wellbeing? Here are some tips:
👣 Set boundaries. Establish clear lines between work and personal life. Set a cut-off time each day when you switch off from work, and stick to it.
👣 Practice self-care. Make time for activities that nourish you outside of work, whether that's exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Your business shouldn't be your only source of fulfilment.
👣 Reframe failure. Entrepreneurship is a journey of ups and downs. Setbacks and failures are inevitable - they don't define you as a person. Practice self-compassion and learn from your mistakes.
👣 Seek support. Don't buy into the myth of the lone wolf entrepreneur. Surround yourself with a support network, whether that's friends and family, a coach or mentor, or a therapist. You don't have to go it alone.
👣 Celebrate your worth beyond work. Take time to acknowledge your achievements and qualities outside of your business. You are more than your job title.
Remember, your mental health is not a luxury - it's a necessity. By untangling your identity from your business and prioritising your wellbeing, you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges of entrepreneurship.
This Mental Health Awareness Week I'm sharing tips for founders.
Remember you are enough - just as you are.
Follow the whole series of posts discussing these themes for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024