Uncovering Hidden Gems Through 1:1 Coaching
I had a session last week with a coaching client I’ll call Taylor. She runs a successful service-based business and has achieved huge financial success at a young age.
On paper, she seems to have it all - a growing income, impressive client roster, and a track record of getting incredible results.
But the first words out of her mouth during our call shattered that illusion...
“I’m happy for about 5% of the time. I dread my endless to-do list every time I open my laptop now. I snap at my kids when they interrupt client calls. I pour so much energy solving other people’s’ problems that I collapse at the end of every day, too depleted to enjoy the rewards of my work. I took on debt and killed myself striving for this dream business. Now that I’m here - I realise the daily realities I created are crushing my soul.”
As she unloaded, my heart broke. I couldn't stop thinking about her only being happy for 5% of the time.
How often as business owners do we fall into this painful pattern...
🚩 Chasing validation through accomplishments vs. fulfillment
🚩 Equating business success only with revenue goals, rankings, other people’s results
🚩 Believing if we just push a little harder we’ll start actually enjoying things
My client had done all the “right” things. But she hadn’t built her business intentionally around HER definition of success - energy, inspiration and joy in her day-to-day work.
So even achieving traditional win metrics left her running on empty. Because she hadn’t aligned her offerings around her passions + talents.
This wake up call led to an important crossroads. Double down chasing rewards promised by the world?
Or courageously reorient things around HER values, gifts and priorities to create rewards defined internally?
In our session we were unable to uncover hidden gems of what originally lit her up and will redesign outward expressions keeping those at the core.
If you are feeling like this..you don't have to suffer alone. Drop me a DM and we can have a chat.