How to access my toolkit in 20
If growing a business was that easy we’d all be doing it. If it was as easy as setting a goal and working towards it every single business would be in profit and ‘successful’.
The truth is that in many cases, it’s not the practical stuff that holds us back. It’s what is going on in our minds.
Over the last 20 years I’ve worked with hundreds of small business owners and here are the blocks that come up time and time again:
🚫 Not feeling good enough
🚫 Procrastination
🚫 Scared to take action for fear of failure
🚫 Comparisonitis
🚫 Feeling like an imposter
🚫 Fear of rejection
In my work as a coach this is the work I love to do and that I also know I get results with.
I’ve got a big old tool kit that helps me quickly get to the bottom of what’s really going on, and then work with you to build your own solid foundations, work through the blocks and create your own tool kit for when your stuff pops back up.
If you want to truly take your business forward in 2024 why not see how I can help you? Get something in the diary now so you can relax over Christmas knowing you are going to get to the bottom of it.
I do one off sessions as well as longer term programmes depending on what you’d like to work on.
If this resonates with you, please get in touch to talk through how we can work together in 1:1 coaching.