Our mission is simple: to help SME and recruitment agency owners transform their people challenges into business success. We believe that when you align your business and personal goals with values, personal development and accountability extraordinary things happen.  

Emily is a HR Expert, Performance Coach and Recruitment Industry Specialist

Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Getting comfortable with the discomfort

As a business owner or leader, have you ever felt frustrated with underperforming team members?

You're not alone.

I've seen this challenge many many times in my career. Common frustrations include:

- Missed deadlines

- Subpar work quality

- Lack of initiative

- Resistance to feedback

But here's the hard truth: The root cause often lies with us as leaders. I can help you move forward with intention.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Light a fire under your ambitions

Each of my coaching packages are flexible, focusing on your specific needs and goals.

Whether you're battling imposter syndrome, scaling your business, or aiming to be the next Richard Branson or Mary Perkins, we are here to support you every step of the way.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Powerful mindset shifts

Life doesn't always play ball, does it?

When things go pear-shaped, it's tempting to point fingers. But here's the harsh truth – that mindset keeps us stuck.

I've been mulling over conversations from the last month - both on a personal and professional level.

The takeaway? Shifting our perspective is a game-changer.

Here are my thoughts on how to be the catalyst for change …

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Don’t let self-doubt plague your growth

The power of accountability cannot be overstated.

Just like Olympic athletes who rely on their coaches for guidance, support, and that extra push, business owners need someone in their corner too.

Our sessions provide that structure and motivation, ensuring that goals aren't just set but actively pursued.

Watching my client's progress over the months has been incredibly rewarding. While the doubts and fears haven't disappeared entirely (they rarely do in the entrepreneurial world), he's developed better tools to manage them.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Are you at a crossroads in your business journey?

Performance coaching can be a game-changer.

We help you get clear on what you really want from your career (not just what looks good on paper). We explore your values, strengths, and passions to help you make decisions that align with who you are.

Whether it's starting that dream business, changing careers entirely, or finding more fulfilment in your current situation, coaching can help you navigate the crossroads with confidence.Isn't it time you took control of your professional journey?

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Finding your voice (and confidence)

Low confidence can hold you back from reaching your full potential. (I get 99.9% of my leads from LinkedIn these days)It's like driving with the handbrake on - you can still move, but you're not going anywhere fast.This is something I work with my clients on all the time.

We work on reframing negative self-talk, building self-awareness, and developing strategies to boost your confidence in a genuine, lasting way.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Imposter Syndrome: not just for women

It's deeply rewarding to witness my clients' evolution, seeing them step into their full potential both as individuals and as leaders. This work reminds me why I'm passionate about coaching.

Have you ever felt like an imposter in your professional life? How did you overcome it? I'd love to hear your experiences and insights.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Accountability and difficult conversations

Clear is kind.

The first step to creating high performing teams that are happy and accountable is clarity. Clarity over what is expected and the ability to listen what is really going on.

If this is something you struggle with you aren’t alone. There is a solution.

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Coaching, People Debbie Ford Coaching, People Debbie Ford

Making your team tick

In my many years of working with people, making teams tick is something that I’ve always been passionate about.

Sure, we all know sales figures are important, but there's so much more to the story, isn't there?

Ready to make your team really tick and find the magic?

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Are you a small business owner feeling overwhelmed by growth?

As a holistic HR and business consultant, I've seen how integrating strategic planning, cultural development, and human-focused practices can transform small businesses.

When you align your growth strategy with your values and prioritise both financial success, personal development and employee wellbeing, amazing things happen.

What's your biggest challenge in scaling your small business?

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Is It A Performance Issue Or A Lack Of Clarity?

As we peeled back the layers, we uncovered that there was a real lack of clarity. Lack of clarity about what he wanted from the business, where it was headed, what he needed from his team etc etc. Every day he felt that he was totally out of control - running from one panic situation to the next and never getting on top of the things that he knew would move the business forward. The team were confused, lacked motivation and were not performing.

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People Debbie Ford People Debbie Ford

More About My People Consultancy Approach

I help small business owners (those with up to about 20 staff) grow their companies sustainably and intentionally. It's about scaling while keeping your people at the heart of everything you do.

My approach? It's a carefully balanced blend of business strategy, HR and people expertise, and personal development. Think of me as your dedicated business consultant with a keen focus on the human element.

The People Consultancy, Emily Perry

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Karpman’s Drama Triangle - Changing The Narrative

Karpman’s Drama Triangle - Changing The Narrative

Bringing together the different elements of the drama triangle and how we can change the narrative and create a different outcome.

Remember - this is always about our own self awareness, and not about how we control or manipulate others.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Karpman’s Drama Triangle Part Three - The Persecutor

Karpman’s Drama Triangle - Part Three, The Persecutor

And finally the persecutor. In the drama triangle the persecutor is the one that is often feared by the victim and pacified by the rescuers.

The persecutor is the one that will attack and keep going until they get what they want - they keep the victim oppressed and will criticise the rescuer.

Without judgement this behaviour is likely coming from a place for fear and is a stress response - the fight response.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Karpman’s Drama Triangle Part One - The Rescuer

Karpman’s Drama Triangle - Part One, The Rescuer

First up I want to look at the Rescuer - not just because its something I resonate with (!) but its something I see business owners do all the time. Rescuing underperforming employees rather than upsetting them with a honest conversation.Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and under pressure as you want to 'save others' from feeling uncomfortable.

Taking the blame for mistakes that weren't yours as you don't want to upset others.Taking more and more on as you feel guilty for burdening others.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

A brief introduction to Karpman’s Drama Triangle

A brief introduction to Karpman’s Drama Triangle

People often want to control how others behave, yet this is impossible and highly stressful and damaging. A model I use all the time is something called the drama triangle. It’s shows the different roles we default to in situations with others.

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Coaching Debbie Ford Coaching Debbie Ford

Tune In To Your Nervous System

When we're in a dysregulated nervous system state, it's nearly impossible to show up as our best selves in our life and work.

The procrastination and avoidance are often a self-protective mechanism.

By compassionately listening to the wisdom of the body, we can figure out the right level of intensity to stay within our window of tolerance and tune in to our nervous system; it’s here to help.

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