Why I Love Working With Business Owners & Successful Leaders
I wanted to share with you today why working with business owners and successful leaders is what I truly love to do.
Let me tell you about Claudia (name changed, and yes into The Traitors this year so first name that came to mind..) To the outside world, she was immensely successful - a successful seven figure business owner renowned in her industry.
But she opened up our session in tears...
"I feel like any day now, I will get found out. Any day now, I feel like I’m going to lose everything."
Despite decades of building an incredibly profitable company, she was convinced "I don't deserve this...I'm not smart or creative enough to have achieved all this." She was plagued by the overwhelmingly stressful belief that her success could crumble at any moment.
We could put a label on this and call it ‘Imposter Syndrome’ - the real version. This is when high achievers downplay or dismiss their accomplishments, competence and worth. They assume they must have somehow slipped through the cracks or fooled people, but will one day be revealed as less than, and for the fraud that they truly are.
The savage irony of course is these leaders HAVE worked incredibly hard and ARE supremely talented - that's how they created such massive success in the first place. But imposter syndrome warps the mind, eroding self-confidence and perpetuating inner feelings of being a fraud destined to fail.
The result is many of the most impressive business owners and professionals burning themselves out chasing validation that never comes...
They desperately try to prove the imaginary inner critics wrong by pushing themselves to the breaking point again and again.
Does this sound familiar?
The good news is there is a way to work with these feelings and I’ve made it my life’s work to help burned out business owners to see that there is another way.
There is a way to rediscover their brilliance and shed feelings of fakery. It is possible to lead from a healthy place of self-assurance instead of chasing success to mask self-doubt.
If you see yourself or someone you know reflected in this experience, reach out. Trust me, there is hope for banishing those imposter feelings - so you can confidently claim the success you've rightfully earned all along 💛